Welcome, friend!
You're now in the Bright Color Mom Shop, where printables and digital products of all kinds abound! There's no waiting for a product to ship, because you can download them all to print at home.
It's environmentally-friendly, fast, and it's SUPER affordable!
Some designs offer customization of the text or image, so they are not instant downloads. Anything ready-made or marked as "editable" is an instant download you can access right away!
From baby shower games to birthday invitations to coloring pages to holiday planners, a little bit of everything can be found in this shop. Take your time, look around, and have FUN!
New in the Shop

Hiya, my name is Michelle!
I'm the founder of Bright Color Mom (both the blog and this shop).
Mother to a 9-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy, I'm also happily married to my husband. We are a crazy bunch, let me tell you.
I'm born, raised, and residing in Kentucky. But I also graduated from New York University, I've lived in Ireland, and this is my THIRD registered business. My life has been anything but boring!
After working full-time at a furniture store for 10 years, I got fired at the start of the whole "lockdown" thing - permanently. Now, I'm blogging and making printables and illustrations full-time. And it. is. AWESOME!
I truly hope you find something you love here, and don't be afraid to ask for something you can't find. I'll do all I can to help you!